Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Creating a Score Card

Create a new score card from the General ribbon bar by selecting New > Score Card .

The following is an example of a Score Card:

Note: Unlike other reports, Score Card results will by default show nulls and zeros.


  1. On the General Ribbon bar, select New > Score Card , or open the Score Card reporting tool in the Workspace.
  2. Flip the Score card over to manually configure the settings.
  3. If you require a multi-dimensional score card then you must also specify a column in the Row Axis field. This could be anything from periods like 'Month' or 'Quarter' to geographic regions or product breakdowns.
  4. Configure the following fields:
    • Show Vertically: Check this if you would like the score card results to be displayed in a vertical grid rather than the default horizontal layout.
    • Label format: If you have configured a row axis then by default, the grid will be labelled by the selected row axis. You can override this by entering a label.
    • Colors: Edit the display colors by selecting options from the drop-downs.
    • Scores: Single score tools can be added by drag and drop, or you can click into the field to select the type of score you want to add.

What to do next

After you have created the score card, you can:

  • Customize the color palette and other display settings using the Score Card tab.
  • Add Score Chart, Single Score, Traffic Light, and Up/Down Value report tools.

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